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/   Intro to TheyDo

Intro to TheyDo

intro to theydo

As you get started, you’ll transition from journey mapping to journey management, ultimately setting up a journey framework and creating a system to prioritize opportunities and track progress against your most important metrics.

Learn how to use TheyDo and understand key concepts: Journeys, Frameworks and Building blocks

Before we dig in: it’s common to talk about the ‘customer’ journey in homogenous terms. In our Resources section, ‘journeys’ refers to the context of the people you serve, whether they are patients, clients, students, or any other group. 

Key concepts in TheyDo

TheyDo centers on the idea that everything in your business happens within the context of the customer journey. Understanding the position of your insights and metrics relative to the customer experience helps you to prioritize and strategize effectively. 

Journeys represent the context or experience of the people you serve. They organize building blocks into steps and phases. 

Building blocks
Building Blocks are distinct items in a journey such as Personas, Insights, Opportunities, and Solutions.

Journey framework
A journey framework is the overall structure that houses your journeys. It organizes journeys by nesting them through parent-child connections, creating a grid-like system to position any kind of building block. 

Learning objectives

Our 'Intro to using TheyDo' section will take you through the basic concepts in detail, get you to start building journeys, and show you how you can use TheyDo in the best way possible.

You’ll learn how to:

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