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/   How to prioritize opportunities

How to prioritize opportunities

Once you've created several Opportunities, the next step is deciding which ones to pursue. TheyDo helps you  score and compare Opportunities across Journeys, so you can make effective decisions.

In TheyDo, you can score Opportunities based on what are known as the '3 lenses of innovation': Customer value, Business value, and Effort. By comparing Opportunities within this framework, you ensure that all three lenses are taken into account.

  • Customer value: the positive impact an Opportunity may have on customer experience. It can include whether the Opportunity enhances emotional well-being, meets functional needs more effectively, fosters social connections or recognition, and is relevant across different customer segments.

  • Business value: how valuable an opportunity is for the business. This can include how the Opportunity reduces costs, increases revenue, and addresses potential risks like security or legal issues.

  • Effort: how complex an Opportunity might be to implement. This can include the organization’s technical capability, business operations, or legal requirements.

Open an Opportunity from the library or the Opportunity card within a journey and use the sliders to drag the value for the Customer and Business value. The value score will be the average of both values. The Effort score is related to the Solutions that need to be implemented in order to fully address the Opportunity. It’s an ongoing variable that should be reviewed as you have more information. Within an Opportunity, simply indicate the amount of effort a Solution will take on a scale of 1 to 5.

Want to create custom prioritization scores? Learn how to set up and manage custom prioritization scores for Opportunities here: How to set up custom prioritization scores

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