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/   Building your first Journey

Building your first Journey

x3 diamond animationThis exercise 'simulates' a real-world Journey project. At the end you'll have experienced every step of the triple diamond process: From mapping Insights to identifying and prioritizing Opportunities, creating Solutions, and delegating ownership to implement them. You can then apply the same process to take on any real-world Journey project next.

Step 0: Get familiar with your customer

Customer-Centric Backlog

Great Journeys start with great research, and for this exercise we've already done the research for you. The result is a summary of the most important customer needs, pains, and gains, supported by a few eye-catching quotes. Use this input to build your Journey.


Customers want easy access to the supermarket and a convenient, welcoming, and quick shopping experience. They want to easily locate the products they need, and prefer value-for-money products that help them cook easy, healthy, and tasty meals.


Customers struggle with finding parking and not having coins to unlock shopping carts. Once inside, the complicated layout makes finding products difficult. Furthermore, they mention a lack of fresh vegetables, missing the inspiration to cook more interesting or healthy meals, and long waits at checkout, especially during peak hours.


Customers appreciate the friendly staff, who are often happy to help find products. Special deals and offers are often mentioned as improving the experience.


"Looking for items feels like exploring a maze without a map or compass.”

"Long checkout lines just make me want to drop everything, walk away and never come back."

“I would love to cook better and more healthy, but I'm often in a rush and I'm not the best chef."

Step 1: Create a new Journey

Customer Journey

Now that the research is done, let’s start out by creating a new Journey.

  1. Open TheyDo, and (if there is one) switch to your training workspace. This is a workspace where you can play around without breaking anything important.

  2. Create a new Journey. Pick TheyDo’s basic customer journey template to start with (unless you've been instructed otherwise).

Step 2: Create steps

After creating a new Journey, it's time to determine the different steps of your Journey. These steps will form the ‘timeline’ of your Journey.

  1. Start by determining at least 3 steps that a customer takes in their supermarket shopping Journey.

  2. Create those steps in your Journey.

Step 3: Add Insights


After creating the steps for your Journey, you can start adding Insights. Add at least one need, pain, and gain for each step of your Journey using the Insights provided in the research report.

Step 4: Identify and prioritize Opportunities


Now that you understand what people experience in their Journey, it’s time to think about how we can improve it.

  1. Create Opportunities, and map them to the steps where they're relevant. Make sure that each Opportunity addresses a need, pain, or gain that you’ve identified in your Journey.

  2. Tag your Opportunities: Add a status, owner, and group. This helps you and your colleagues to track, filter, and find your Opportunities in between all the others.

  3. Link relevant Insights to Opportunities: This provides context about what Insights the Opportunities addresses, which will make it easier for others to understand your Opportunities, while also making it easier to estimate their value.

  4. Score your Opportunities: Use business value, customer value, and effort to score your Opportunities.

  5. Pick the highest rated Opportunity: Use the Opportunity Matrix to review how your Opportunities compare to each other. Pick the most highly rated Opportunity to pick up in the next part.

Step 5: Create and prioritize Solutions


Now that you’ve picked an Opportunity to address, it’s time to come up with Solutions for it.

  1. Create Solutions: Come up with Solutions that address the Opportunity you picked, and map them to the steps where they're relevant.

  2. Tag your Solutions: Add a status and group tag. This helps you and your colleagues to track, filter, and find your Solutions in between all the others.

  3. Link your Solutions to the Opportunity they address: Make sure to link your Solutions to the Opportunity they address. This helps others to find your Solutions when they look for ideas to solve the Opportunity you created.

  4. Score your Solutions: Use desirability, viability, and feasibility to score your Solutions.

  5. Pick the highest rated Solution: Now, go to the solution overview. Notice that there are many options to filter solutions based on how they are categorized. Try it out; use a few filters to filter out opportunities for a specific journey, group, or status.

Step 6: Finishing touches

Journey Together

Take your Journey from ‘good’ to ‘great’ using these finishing touches:

  1. Add visuals to every step: Visuals don’t only look great; they also provide context and help to make your Journeys easier to navigate. Adding visuals can be done quickly by using royalty-free resources like undraw.co, Illu-station, and Many pixels

  2. Tag your Journey: Make sure to add a description, owner, and to specify the Journey status. This helps you and your colleagues to track, filter, and find your Journey in between all the others.

  3. Add an experience graph: Add experience impact scores to your pains and gains in order to create an experience curve tracking the overall experience throughout your Journey.

Repeat, again and again

x3 diamond animation

Now that you've experienced the triple diamond firsthand, you are ready to apply the same steps to any Journey you work on from here on. So go out there, and make it happen!

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