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/   Using scorecards to standardize opportunities

Using scorecards to standardize opportunities

Simple scorecards

What does it actually mean for an Opportunity to have ‘80% business value’? As interpretations may vary among teams, you can standardize the prioritization process throughout your organization using scorecards. Creating a simple scorecard means setting up rules for scoring based on customer value, business value, and effort. Each rule gets a clear definition and a guide explaining what each score means. Here’s an example of a simple scorecard.

Weighted scorecards

For those who want to add more details or mix different criteria, weighted scoring is a more advanced method. In a weighted scorecard, you break down each main rule into smaller parts, giving each part a certain level of importance. Here’s an example of a weighted scorecard. Here’s an example of a weighted scorecard.

Creating a scorecard is a collaborative effort, requiring alignment among various stakeholders. Invite representatives from different roles to brainstorm criteria and scoring guides together, so that diverse perspectives are considered.

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