With the Qualtrics integration, you can sync CSAT, CES, and NPS data to TheyDo. This integration is available for those on the Strategic plan.
How to set up the Qualtrics integration
Go to Settings > Integrations > Qualtrics > Enable from your Dashboard.
Click ‘Authorize’ and log in to your Qualtrics account. Ensure the right permissions are set in Qualtrics.
Click ‘Approve’ to authorize the integration.
You'll be redirected to TheyDo, and the integration will be set to ‘Active’.
How CSAT, CES, and NPS scores are calculated
CSAT: Average score = Sum of all scores / Number of respondents
CES: Score = Number of positive responses / Number of respondents * 100
NPS: Score = Percentage of promoters - Percentage of detractors = (Number of promoters - Number of detractors) / Number of respondents * 100
How to add your Qualtrics data to Metrics cards
Click ‘+ Metric’ within your Journey or Metrics Library.
Choose your source as Qualtrics.
Select the survey you want to track.
Choose the survey question you want to track.
Map your survey responses to corresponding sentiments.
Click ‘Sync data’ to populate your Metric with Qualtrics data.