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Insight, Opportunity and Solution Libraries

When you create an Insight, Opportunity, or Solution, it is automatically stored in its respective library. The library overview for each building block shows everything that has been created across the whole workspace, creating one central place from where you can manage everything. Because the number of Insights, Opportunities, and Solutions can grow quickly, everything can be filtered according to the labels that your team gives them. This helps you filter based on: 

  • Owner: who owns a particular building block

  • Status: the current status of a building block (could also be synced from your PM tool)

  • Group: the teams or domains for which a building block is relevant. 

  • Type: the type of Insight, Opportunity, or Solution. 

  • Persona: the personas to which a building block has been linked.

  • Tags: the global tags such as channels, countries, or brands.

If an Insight, Opportunity, or Solution needs to be taken out of a Journey, just 'unlink' it instead of deleting it. This way, it stays in the overall library and can be used in another case.

Special ways to use the Opportunity/Solutions Libraries:

  1. Presenting Opportunities and Solutions: when showing Opportunities or Solutions in presentations or workshops, you can easily filter and present those related to specific journeys, domains, or teams.

  2. Scoring and prioritizing Opportunities: The Opportunity matrix helps in scoring and comparing Opportunities. This makes it easier to decide which ones to focus on next.

  3. Managing Opportunity and Solution progress: The libraries highlight the status and ownership of Opportunities and Solutions. This makes it easy to track what teams are working on across the organization and discover things that haven't been picked up yet.

  4. Visualizing an Opportunity or Solution roadmap: If you've labeled Opportunities or Solutions based on roadmap stages, you can use the library to filter and group them according to these stages. This gives you information about when they might be addressed.

  5. Cleaning up Opportunities and Solutions: Use the libraries to periodically review your Opportunities and Solutions to ensure they remain distinct yet comprehensive (and ultimately more effective across the organization). 

Metrics Library

Similar to the Insight, Opportunity, and Solution Libraries, all of the customer metrics you add to TheyDo are centralized in a customizable Metrics Library. Within the Metrics Library you can track values, types, sources, and owners, view creation and update dates, see percentage change over time, and which Journey steps and Personas your Metrics are connected to.

Access the Metrics Library by clicking ‘Metrics’ in the left side panel of your TheyDo Workspace. Customize your Metrics view by choosing from the icons above the Metrics table (calendar, time intervals, filters and search). See the Metrics guide for information about the different ways to add Metrics.

Journeys Library

The Journey Library shows all of the Journeys that have been created across the whole organization. Access the Journey Library by clicking ‘Journeys’ in the left side panel of your TheyDo Workspace. You can view Journeys as a list and filter based on Status, Group, Type, or Tags (see the Taxonomy guide for information about how to set this up). You can easily use these views to track the progress of Journeys. 

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