Journey Duplication
This guide will help you understand how to duplicate Journeys across different Workspaces in TheyDo. You can duplicate a Journey from one Workspace to another in the same organization while customizing which Building blocks to include.
How to duplicate a journey
There are two areas from which to duplicate a journey:
From the dashboard
From within the journey
Note: You need to be a user with editor or contributor permissions in both the source and destination Workspaces.
Duplicating from the Dashboard
In your main dashboard (the main page of TheyDo), locate the journey you want to duplicate.
Hover over it, and click "..." at the top right corner of the journey card and select the option labeled "Duplicate".
Choose where to duplicate the Journey by selecting "To this Workspace" or "To a different Workspace".
Select which Building blocks to include in the duplicated Journey. You can choose to include or exclude metrics, insights, and others.
Any taxonomy and input scores linked to the Journey and selected Building blocks will be automatically added to the destination workspace if they aren't already there.
Click “Duplicate the Journey” to complete the process
When the modal is still open, you will be redirected to the new Journey. Otherwise, a confirmation notification will appear once the process is complete.
Duplicating from within the Journey
Go to the Journey you wish to duplicate.
Look for the "..." next to your Journey's title.
Follow steps 3 and 4 above.
Please note that when duplicating journeys across workspaces, you create a copy—not a link. For example, if you duplicate a journey with two Personas, those two Personas will now exist separately in each workspace.
Which content can't be duplicated
Please note that not all content from the Journey will be duplicated.
Nested Building blocks in Solutions, Opportunites, and Insights, that are not directly a part of the Journey, are not copied. The Building blocks will be copied without their nested content.
The content of the "Nested Journeys" and "Step links" lanes will not be copied; the lane itself will be copied empty.
Owners are not copied.
Comments are not copied.
Computed scores will not be copied.
Linkage of Building Blocks will not remain in tact. For example, if you copy an Opportunity with 6 Insights linked to it, the copied version will show only the Opportunity (not including the 6 Insights).