Editing your profile
Your profile consists of personal information about you: your profile picture, job title, email, and password. In this article, you will learn how to change these properties of your profile.
Accessing your persona profile
Click on Settings in the side-panel on the bottom left.
Click on ‘Edit profile’.
Here you can change any information regarding your personal profile.
Changing your profile picture
Hover over your profile picture with your mouse.
Click on ‘Edit image’.
Choose a file from your computer that is smaller than 2Mb and no larger than 500x500px.
You can delete your profile picture by clicking ‘Delete image’.
Changing your email address
Look for the input field: ‘Work email’
Fill in your new email address.
Click on ‘Confirm changes’.
Changing your password
Look for ‘Change your password‘ on the ‘Edit profile’ page.
Fill in your current password.
Fill in your new password.
Fill in your new password again, to make sure you put in the right one.
Click on ‘Confirm changes’.