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/   How to manage personas
/   How to manage personas

How to manage personas

When creating a new Persona or editing an existing one, a Persona card will open up in the side panel where you can view or edit the properties. The more depth you add, the better your teams will be able to empathize with your Personas. Define your Personas using the following properties:

Basic properties

  • Title: give your persona a simple a name

  • Header image: add a visual to your persona

  • Description: write a description of your persona

  • Categorization: add a category to your persona so that you can ‘group’ your personas

  • Creator: timestamp the creation of a persona

  • Color: change the color of your persona

  • Comments: use these to @-mention or comment

Extra properties

  • Personality traits: add traits you can score on a 5 point scale

  • Interests: interest tags

  • Brands: brands that the persona likes

  • Needs: the Persona’s most important needs

  • Jobs: the Persona’s most important jobs

  • External links: links to other places, for example to other dashboards

  • External files: documents related to the persona, such as persona overviews or dashboard screenshots

Move, duplicate, share, or delete personas

  • Click on the three dots in the top right corner of the Persona card to move, duplicate or delete a persona. 

  • Click on the arrow button in the top right corner of the Persona card to share the Persona with others. Anyone with the link will be able to view the Persona.

Add personas to a journey

  1. Click on "show details" next to your Journey's name.

  2. Click on "+ Add property" and add the Persona property.

  3. Click on the "Personas" property and add/remove as many Personas as you have on the journey.

When you add a persona to a journey, you'll be able to see their experience on the Experience Graph. Learn more: Experience Graphs

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