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/   Experience graphs

Experience graphs

experience graph in a journey

What is an Experience graph?

An Experience graph is a visual representation of a customer’s evolving experience over time or with multiple interactions. It shows how the customer’s satisfaction, engagement, or sentiments change at different touch points along the journey.

How to create an Experience graph

  • Open an Insight 

  • Add the relevant Personas 

  • Add an experience impact score and the weight of that score (an Experience graph is automatically calculated by adding up all the scores from every Insight at each step). 

  • Only give experience scores to pains and gains, as they directly affect the user experience. Exclude things like needs or jobs so that the Experience graph will only show the total impact of all identified pains and gains. 

  • For quotes or data points: give them an Experience score but set the weight to 0, so they don't overshadow the importance of pains and gains in the overall curve. 

How to show different experiences on the same path

When the order or ‘paths’ people can take through steps are similar, but the experience of those steps is different, you can add multiple personas to a journey to highlight how different personas experience steps differently. If you add actions as Insights, you can even tag what actions are taken by which Personas. This can already help to show how different Personas act differently for each step, or what steps certain personas might skip altogether.

When viewing the Experience graph in the Experience lane, you can show the experience for every Persona or reveal the average experience based on all Personas in a Journey. You can add as many Personas to a lane as necessary. 

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