
New: Building Block Templates

    The process of documenting Insights, Opportunities and Solutions in your Journeys can be a daunting task, especially when you’re starting from a blank slate.

    To give you an easy starting point and help guide you with best practices, today we’re launching Building Block Templates.

    In TheyDo, Building Blocks are the individual elements that make up your Journey.

    Insights are the principal building blocks of any Journey. They are tidbits of information that come directly from user research—things like direct quotes, observations, user needs, pains, and gains. 

    Opportunities derive from your mapped Insights. They are the areas for improvement you define when grouping together Insights.

    Solutions are your tasks or plans to act on identified Opportunities. In the mapping process, they’re discovered after the work on Insights and Opportunities has been completed.

    Building Block Templates are a wide range of templates you can select from when creating a new Insight, Opportunity or Solution.

    The templates allow you to follow established guidelines for filling in different types of Building Blocks, such as a Pain (Insight), How Might We (Opportunity) or Process (Solution).

    Let’s see how Building Block Templates work in action:

    A grocery store discovers that:

    1.) Customers struggle to find a shopping cart upon entering the store

    2.) They need to reduce customer's frustration by making sure shopping carts are organized at the store entry

    3.) Their service desk workers have free time and can be tasked with grocery cart maintenance

    In the past, the store's CX team may have documented their research and planning in a jumbled and inconsistent way. Now, they can choose best practice frameworks to manage their research and planning.

    For their Insight, they choose a “Pain” template
    [User segment] often experience [problem, obstacle, risk, negative emotion] because [reason]

    For their Opportunity they choose a “How Might We” template

    [User segment] often experience [problem, obstacle, risk, negative emotion] because [reason]

    For their Solution they choose a “Process” template

    • [Process Title] involves [briefly describing the key step(s) or task(s)] within [organization/department] to support [customer interaction/service component/Journey Step], in order to [intended outcome]

    By starting from Building Block Templates, not only does the store get more done, faster, they also standardize their documentation to ensure consistent communication across their team. 

    We hope you like Building Block Templates and implement them in your work to make life easier. Try them out and let us know what you think!

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