
Meet Journey AI: Words from our CTO

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    With AI bursting into our lives and wowing the world with its abilities, we’ve peeked into the future of technology. What used to seem impossible is now a part of our day-to-day lives. Across industries, we’ve seen the power of AI to enhance our daily work—and we think it’s time for AI to help you make smarter decisions as you work within customer journeys.

    At TheyDo we see AI as an augmentative rather than a disruptive technology. We believe that you will remain the artist, while AI has your back. Journey AI is designed to free you up so you can focus on what we, as humans, do best: design experiences.

    The more you work in Journeys, the more data you’re dealing with. We all know the messy reality of organizing customer insights. Getting clarity on what to work on next is challenging and cutting through the noise is essential.

    Journey Management allows you to make sense of the madness with a highly contextualized environment for customer Insights, your Journey Framework, and Taxonomy. The more context you gain, the more valuable your insights will be, and the closer you'll get to 'customer clarity'.

    While journey mapping was a tedious, time-consuming process, TheyDo made it easier, more intuitive and valuable for the business through Journey Management. But this isn’t enough. We want to help you gain Insights quickly, uncover Opportunities based on large amounts of data, and automatically create smart connections between teams, processes, and priorities.

    Sharpen focus with Journey AI

    We're building Journey AI with this vision in mind. Here are a few examples of what you can expect this year;


    Generate Journeys and other Building Blocks to kickstart your workspace. Journey AI will use the context of your data to provide you with example content. Although a generated Journey does not represent customer reality, it provides a frame of reference for you to do your own work faster.

    On average it takes 74 hours to map a customer journey. We are out to decimate that. Journey AI will jump in and do the mundane tasks for you, organizing and mapping these to the right Steps and Lanes in your Journeys. That lets you use that time for better things, like learning from customers.


    Many of our customers manage thousands of Insights in their workspace. Taming your Insight Libraries is a time-consuming task. Journey AI will remove routine tasks by automatically classifying Insights by type and organizing customer quotes, so you can find the next best Opportunity presented in your data.

    When different team members are working toward the same Opportunities in parallel, AI will identify that and merge those ideas, boosting their relevance. This will both clean up your Libraries and allow you to make faster improvements.

    Finally, AI will support you in visualizing the connections between Opportunities, Journeys and business Goals. Nothing beats seeing your Opportunity Matrix and discovering what your most relevant Opportunities are. Journey AI will suggest relations based on your Workspace content, helping you to answer the most important question: what Opportunity should we work on next and why?


    Getting from raw data to Insights is an arduous challenge, especially at the scale of data you are operating in these days. Simply upload your raw data and work on other tasks while Journey AI names and groups related items. Find out what the key Insights are from an otherwise endless stream of data points, and get to an intuitive, clutter-free workspace where AI not only keeps things tidy but continually strengthens connections.

    Built with security

    Customer Insights are among your company’s most prized possessions because they form the foundation for key strategic decisions in your business. Therefore, Journey AI has been designed with security and privacy as the backbone of every operation.

    Journey AI is built exclusively using models that are available on our private cloud. We will only store and process your workspace within the European Union. In addition, your data will never be shared with third parties or used to train models.

    Our team is tremendously excited to create a secure and fast working environment for you. Every engineer in our team will contribute to realizing this vision. AI will be ubiquitous in software soon—we want to expose our team to it as much as possible so that they can build the best possible product for you.

    Get early access to Journey AI

    We're at the forefront of the future of Journey Management, and we couldn't be more excited to take you along the journey. Join our waitlist and be among the first users to experience how Journey AI will turbocharge your path from insight to implementation.

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