Customer journey template

Map out the customer journey and make the customer experience come to life.
Customer Journey

What is a customer journey map?

A customer journey map is a visual representation of a customer’s experience, highlighted in different phases and steps. Different lanes can be used to describe Insights about the experience, as well as Opportunities and Solutions for improving journey steps.

Customer journey templates in TheyDo

Every basic journey in TheyDo is composed of three different parts: the customer experience, the Opportunities and Solutions that reveal improvements, and the frontend, backend, and supporting systems and processes that make journey steps possible.

How to use a customer journey template to achieve results

Make the customer experience come to life and see where the potential for improvement lies.

  • Understand customer types: Create a need-based profile that defines the customer on the journey. Use different Personas to indicate how various customer segments experience journey steps differently.

  • Define how customers feel: Show what customers experience based on the thoughts and feelings and thoughts they have at every step. Translate these into an Experience graph that you can easily scan for frustrations and delightful moments.

  • Store valuable Insights: Create a repository of Insights from your research that will help to summarize the experience or underpin your customer’s feelings.

  • Identify possible improvements: Use Opportunities to draw attention to the problems you want to solve, and Solutions to indicate ideas or concepts for improvement. Track everythingproducts, (micro) services, flows and communicationall in one place.

Who are customer journey templates for?

  • CX Researchers

  • Service Designers

  • UX/UI Designers

  • Product Managers

  • Marketers

Create your customer journey map

Use the template in TheyDo to create your own customer journey map. It’s complete with a pre-defined lane structure and pre-filled examples that you can customize to your organization’s needs.