Data, decisions, and doubt: a 2025 leadership perspective

Our survey of decision-makers across the US and Europe reveals that executives are overwhelmed by data. The proliferation of dashboards and data sources, intended to simplify decision-making has now reached an inflection point and is starting to create confusion, missed opportunities, and doubts about the integrity of insights. 

Key challenges:

  • Data overload: Half of executives feel overwhelmed by the sheer volume of data and dashboards they receive daily

  • Dashboard dependency: 77% rely on dashboards and only sometimes or rarely question the data they receive

  • FOMOpp (Fear of Missed Opportunities) and doubt: 67% express concern that over-reliance risks missing critical opportunities, and executives worry decisions are based on false pretenses or misguided

  • AI paradox: Although 28% have integrated AI into their processes, AI integration risks adding to data overwhelm and fears of misplaced trust in insights.



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