Enterprise pricing
Capped Journey AI use
Journey mining (limits apply)
Insight scoring
Insight summarization
Get Management for 30 days, then:
5 Users
10 Journeys
1 Journey framework
Unlimited viewers
AI support & community access
Billed annuallyJourney AI features
Journey mining
Journey summarization
Opportunity Reveal
Management includes:
Unlimited users
Custom Taxonomy & scoring
Integrations (i.e. Jira, Qualtircs)
Customer Success Team access
SLA & Live support
Billed annuallyJourney AI features
Executive Insights
Source streaming
AI decision-support
All of Management, plus:
Data warehouse integrations
Legal & Security reviews
Dashboards & reporting
Dedicated TheyDo coach
TheyDo pricing fundamentals
We believe in the power of journeys, and absolute value comes from breaking down complex journeys into manageable micro journeys. For this reason, our price per journey decreases the more you need to focus on the experience you are impacting.
Driving organizational change is almost impossible without the ability to collaborate and align around the mission ahead. Our plans offer unlimited viewers of your workspace, and the management and strategic plans have unlimited admins, editors, and contributors. Journeying together should never be restricted by the lack of seats.
We are designed for large, complex organizations that benefit most from the transformational impact of adopting journey management to make better decisions faster. Our Starter plan offers most of the features of the Management plan for 30 days, after which there are some limits on the number of journeys and editors. It is designed for individuals and small teams just working on smaller projects.
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